Concours Inosport


L'événement Pro Sport Innovation Performance

Inscriptions du 5 février au 31 mars 2025 à minuit

En savoir plus...

Blaise Agresti

Blaise Agresti is known as an expert for Mountain Rescue and Crisis management. 

For 20 years, he was in charge of several operational units as the Mountain Rescue Platoon in Chamonix and the National Training Center. Chief of operations during different disasters, he was a coordinator for emergency and medical support. Graduated from Saint-Cyr Military Academy and War College in Paris, he was also appointed as International Project Manager in charge of deploying a program to reinforce the Afghan National Police skills. He built also different international mountain rescue cooperation (China, India, Nepal…). Global Sales Director for Petzl Brand for 2 years, he is now starting a new challenge as founder of Mountain Path, an experiential management school.

Table ronde 1 9h30-11h30 : Comment les pratiques émergentes deviennent des marchés porteurs !

Son intervention : Les marques en quête de croissance et nouvelles tendances


Concours Inosport

avant le 31 mars 2025

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Edition 2018