Concours Inosport


L'événement Pro Sport Innovation Performance

Inscriptions du 5 février au 31 mars 2025 à minuit

En savoir plus...

Call for projects : what is our offer ?


Inolab > Inolab - Accomodation

Localisation : Campus la Brunerie, Voiron (38)

Inolab > Localisation

Many actors

Inolab > Actors

A hub that connects many actors of innovation and sport

We want to connect many different actors in order to develop our skills together and to go higher, stronger and faster !
We believe that colaboration could help us to develop the companies and the technologies of the future

Financial Support

Money is a major question for young companies and projects because it's hard to convice people (and banks) to give funds.

Inolab > Finance 1Access to public financial support

Inolab > Finance 1Financial support from partners such as BPI France

Inolab > Finance 1Advises from professionnal of finance to help to develop your business

Inolab > Type of supports

Access to a large panel of services

You will meet technological companies, research laboratories and many partners

New way to find ideals/solutions, discuss whith other companies : it helps to have another point of view concerning special issues
Inolab > Linking
New technologies
Our campus welcomes new technologies that could help you to develop your ideas and projects

More information

Dominique RILLH
04 76 27 94 30

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Concours Inosport

avant le 31 mars 2025
Vous inscrire ici

Nos partenaires

Sportair - Like That

Un événement

Un événement organisé par le Pays Voironnais